Publisher: Reader’s Digest (November 2011)


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How to Do Just About Anything

Published by Reader’s Digest in November 2011 this is a total revision and rewrite of the original 1988 book for which Ruth has contributed a third of the A to Z text - chiefly the entries on cookery, gardening, craft and home making. Everything in fact from how to beat aphids and keep cacti, darn a sock, boil an egg, prepare and cook fish, choose and roast a joint of meat, make garnishes, jams and jellies, lay a lawn, whip up a perfect meringue, avoid moths, thread a necklace and a needle, prepare a mango, mussels and a pineapple, grow potatoes, raise seedlings, iron and fold a shirt, remove stains, rescue sauces, make a Yorkshire pudding, repair a zip … and much more besides.